My Story
Where It All Began!
I started working when I was just 13 years old, as the daughter of immigrant and military parents, a strong work ethic and entrepreneurship was instilled in me from a very young age. My parents each owned their businesses, my mother was a fashion designer and boutique owner and my father owned a home security company. I learned early on that working hard and creating your own income was a viable way of life, what I didn't know was those same lessons would eventually lead me to a place of burnout.

My Rock Bottom!
I always knew nursing was my calling. What I didn’t know and what I was grossly unprepared for was the amount of resilience I needed to not only get through nursing school but to get through nursing life!
There was no class or even a webinar that broke down the need for a full “Resilience Benefits Package” to get through the years of compassion-related stress and lackluster leadership I would experience as a nurse.
I spent years trying to figure out how to bounce back from the toxic work environments, losing patients, sick children, nurse bullying, long 12-hour shifts, and the expectation that I was to get up and do it all over again the next day without missing a beat. Not to mention, my personal life still came with the stressors of being a mother, wife, and devoted daughter. For me, This was where resilience met the road!
I was burnt out, unhappy, and unfulfilled, and I secretly hated the career I had prayed for. That guilt of feeling ungrateful was eating away at me and no matter what I tried I couldn't seem to keep my head above water. I was drowning and something had to give...

This is Where it Gets Good
I Put in The Work!
I began to do some serious work on myself to figure out how to bounce back and regain the joy in my life. I had to lock in and peel the layers back to truly expose what I truly desired and needed in life.
I went on a solo mission, I told my husband, I needed to find myself and began attending personal development conferences, reading books, hanging out with people who were doing the work, and digging into my "Why". I realized I had forgotten about myself in the process of climbing the ladder to success. I was a successful nurse leader who on the outside, looked as though I had it all together, but on the inside, I was a mess!
Through the personal work I was doing, I realized that my career wasn't the problem, I was! I didn't know how to work without overworking, I was the "yes-woman" and no one was going to stop me from taking on more and doing too much. I had to stop myself and that's exactly what I did. I made myself a non-negotiable and began prioritizing self-care so I could be the best version of myself possible.
My Drive
Audacity to Thrive Was Born!
Being passionate about giving back, I began to mentor other women to help them avoid the pitfalls of burnout. I took the methods I used to dig my way out of burnout and into a life I loved and created Audacity to Thrive ® a coaching firm steeped in my passion for leading women out of burnout and into a life of abundance and joy.
I work with passionate female leaders that understand the importance of having their voices heard at the table and living in their purpose. I help them to see that 50-hour work weeks shouldn't be the norm, in reality, they shouldn't even exist at all! Our work is simple, become a non-negotiable so you can actually live the fulfilling life you've always dreamt of.
I believe in Whole-life leadership; if you're leading poorly in one area of your life it will eventually wreak havoc in other areas.
I believe burnout can be avoided even in the worst of circumstances if you have the right tools, strategies, and support.
I believe in exclusivity as a way of preserving your energy. I only work with clients who are a great fit and are passionate about doing the work to get the results.
I believe it is my calling in life to lead women to better health through self-care and fun. I create luxury experiences for my clients to connect, unplug, and recharge.